Unraveling a Martian enigma: The hidden rivers of Arabia Terra
Arabia Terra has always been a bit of a martian enigma. Planetary scientist Joel Davis takes us on a tour of its valley networks and >>>
Arabia Terra has always been a bit of a martian enigma. Planetary scientist Joel Davis takes us on a tour of its valley networks and >>>
This is the stuff that binds Quarks together Source: Large Hadron Collider turns up five new particles
Just, er, eight years later Source: Dormant Linux kernel vulnerability finally slayed
Bart Shah got a death sentence when he was diagnosed with leukemia at age 60. Now 77, he’s one of Gleevec’s success stories. Source: Gleevec >>>
The new battery uses a sodium- or lithium-coated glass electrolyte that has three times the storage capacity of a lithium ion battery. Source: 94-year old >>>
Service used by 5.5 million websites may have leaked passwords and authentication tokens. Source: Serious Cloudflare bug exposed a potpourri of secret customer data | >>>
Unfortunately, there are many more products out there that have been recalled for potential contamination, but we have no idea what they are. Source: Cheese >>>
A decades-old method called the “bootstrap” is enabling new discoveries about the geometry underlying all quantum theories. Source: Using the ‘Bootstrap,’ Physicists Uncover Geometry of >>>
Trapped ions calculate more reliably but superconducting circuits are faster Source: Split decision in first-ever quantum computer faceoff