Category: Editorial Social

Polls oversample Liberal voters! See attachment as well for more

Source: WikiLeaks – The Podesta Emails

Posted: October 23, 2016 in Editorial, Social

We the people ask congress to meet in emergency session about removing George Soros owned voting machines from 16 states

Posted: October 23, 2016 in Editorial, Social

WikiLeaks emails shows Citigroup’s major role in shaping Obama administration’s cabinet

Among the many revelations from the #PodestaEmails are passages showing that even before President Obama was elected, the staffing for leading cabinet positions had more >>>

Posted: October 20, 2016 in Editorial, Social

Who won the third debate?

Source: UrYYy3.jpg (JPEG Image, 1200 × 1191 pixels) – Scaled (80%)

Posted: October 20, 2016 in Editorial, Social

Pentagon Officials Furious After Clinton Announces US Response Time for Nuclear Launch During Debate

Source: Pentagon Officials Furious After Clinton Announces US Response Time for Nuclear Launch During Debate

Posted: October 20, 2016 in Editorial, Social

Project Veritas Proven Right by CNN Video

Posted: October 19, 2016 in Editorial, Social

Hillary Clinton’s Campaign and Allies Concoct False Allegations against Julian Assange

Posted: October 19, 2016 in Editorial, Social

Rigging the Election – Video I: Clinton Campaign and DNC Incite Violence at Trump Rallies

Posted: October 18, 2016 in Editorial, Social

Rigging the Election – Video II: Mass Voter Fraud – Hillary’s campaign.

Posted: October 18, 2016 in Editorial, Social

WIKILEAKS: Facebook Founder Mark Zuckerberg ‘Hungry to Learn’ About Politics

Sought expert advice on ‘effective political operations’ to push immigration reform and other issues. Source: WIKILEAKS: Facebook Founder Mark Zuckerberg ‘Hungry to Learn’ About Politics

Posted: October 18, 2016 in Editorial, Social