Linguists Are Finally Unravelling the Mysteries Trapped Within Mayan Hieroglyphs
Today, there are over six million people that speak a language that evolved out of the Maya civilization, which inhabited parts of what are now >>>
Today, there are over six million people that speak a language that evolved out of the Maya civilization, which inhabited parts of what are now >>>
It’s only $20, but it might control customers’ spending habits for years to come. Source: Amazon’s new dirt-cheap gadget is a Trojan horse built to >>>
Leaked internal emails appear to show employees at one of the world’s leading pharmaceutical companies calling for “celebration” over price hikes of cancer drugs, an >>>
While everyone’s been gearing up for President Trump’s inauguration, the Clinton Foundation made a major announcement this week that went by with almost no notice: >>>
It was nice to see the calendar turn over to 2017, for a lot of reasons, not the least of which is that on Jan. >>>
Those who want to combat Fake News should stop aggressively spreading it when it suits their agenda. Source: The Guardian’s Summary of Julian Assange’s Interview >>>
They uncovered houses, tools, utensils and at least 15 elaborate tombs belonging to the royal. Source: Egyptian Archaeologists Discover 7,000-Year-Old Lost City of Abydos | >>>
Source: Google moves to restrict ads on fake news sites | Reuters