Category: Quantum Physics

You can’t get entangled without a wormhole

You can’t get entangled without a wormhole | MIT News.

Posted: November 20, 2014 in Quantum Physics

Is Quantum Entanglement Real? –

Is Quantum Entanglement Real? –

Posted: November 16, 2014 in Quantum Physics

Milestone algorithm runs on quantum computer | Science News

Milestone algorithm runs on quantum computer | Science News.

Posted: November 16, 2014 in Computer, Processors, Quantum Physics

New math and quantum mechanics: Fluid mechanics suggests alternative to quantum orthodoxy — ScienceDaily

New math and quantum mechanics: Fluid mechanics suggests alternative to quantum orthodoxy — ScienceDaily.

Posted: September 14, 2014 in Quantum Physics

Breakthrough in light sources for new quantum technology — ScienceDaily

Breakthrough in light sources for new quantum technology — ScienceDaily.

Posted: August 30, 2014 in Quantum Physics

How the Computer of the Future Keeps its Cool – Popular Mechanics

How the Computer of the Future Keeps its Cool – Popular Mechanics.

Posted: August 26, 2014 in Quantum Physics

Recent discovery of quantum vibrations in brain neurons lends weight to his controversial theory of consciousness, says Sir Roger Penrose

Recent discovery of quantum vibrations in brain neurons lends weight to his controversial theory of consciousness, says Sir Roger Penrose.

Posted: August 19, 2014 in Biological, Quantum Physics

Working System For Deterministic Quantum Teleportation Of Distantly Separated Matter States | Neomatica

Working System For Deterministic Quantum Teleportation Of Distantly Separated Matter States | Neomatica.

Posted: August 7, 2014 in Quantum Physics

Scientists introduce new cosmic connectivity: Quantum pigeonhole paradox — ScienceDaily

Scientists introduce new cosmic connectivity: Quantum pigeonhole paradox — ScienceDaily.

Posted: August 5, 2014 in Quantum Physics

Quantum Sleeping Beauty and the Multiverse | Sean Carroll

Quantum Sleeping Beauty and the Multiverse | Sean Carroll.

Posted: August 5, 2014 in Quantum Physics