New Support for Alternative Quantum View | Quanta Magazine
An experiment claims to have invalidated a decades-old criticism against pilot-wave theory, an alternative formulation of quantum mechanics that avoids the most Source: New Support >>>
An experiment claims to have invalidated a decades-old criticism against pilot-wave theory, an alternative formulation of quantum mechanics that avoids the most Source: New Support >>>
Flick a switch on a dark winter day and your office is flooded with bright light, one of many everyday miracles to which we are >>>
How quantum entanglement connects with the “many worlds” of quantum theory. Source: Entanglement Made Simple | Quanta Magazine
Source: Changing the colour of single photons in a diamond quantum memory
Source: Researchers have built the most complex light-based quantum computer chip ever
Using a series of laser beams, a pair of German scientists successfully teleported classical information without the transfer or matter or energy. Source: German scientists >>>
Source: Quantum Chess
Bizarre quantum bonds connect distinct moments in time, suggesting that quantum links — not space-time — constitute the fundamental structure of the universe. Source: Time >>>
The very first experimental observations of knots in quantum matter have just been reported in Nature Physics. Source: News: Quantum knots are real
Physicist John Martinis could deliver one of the holy grails of computing to Google—a machine that dramatically speeds up today’s applications and makes new ones >>>