Physicists achieve superconductivity at room temperature – ScienceAlert
Physicists achieve superconductivity at room temperature – ScienceAlert.
Physicists achieve superconductivity at room temperature – ScienceAlert.
Txchnologist – Physicists Create “Air Laser” In Laboratory.
Self-stirring pot puts Japanese in a spin – CNET.
Study finds possible alternative explanation for dark energy.
Large Hadron Collider ready to delve even deeper than ‘God particle’ as it switches back on at double power – News – Gadgets and Tech >>>
Finding faster-than-light particles by weighing them.
First direct evidence that a mysterious phase of matter competes with high-temperature superconductivity — ScienceDaily.
Germanium Chip Promises Post-Silicon Computing | MIT Technology Review.
New law for superconductors | MIT News.
Compact particle accelerator sets new energy record: 4.25 giga-electron volts | Daily Digest News.