Category: Physics

First images of collisions at 13 TeV | CERN

Last night, protons collided in the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at the record-breaking energy of 13 TeV for the first time. These test collisions were to set up systems >>>

Posted: May 21, 2015 in Physics

Antimatter Breakthrough — Electron is Stunningly Spherical, Scientists Discover

The electron was hailed by British scientists Thursday as the roundest natural object in the universe. Source: Antimatter Breakthrough — Electron is Stunningly Spherical, Scientists >>>

Posted: May 15, 2015 in Physics

New shield makes certain types of searches for physics beyond Standard Model possible for first time

Source: New shield makes certain types of searches for physics beyond Standard Model possible for first time

Posted: May 12, 2015 in Physics

Scientists have discovered a new state of matter, called ‘Jahn-Teller metals’

Source: Scientists have discovered a new state of matter, called ‘Jahn-Teller metals’

Posted: May 12, 2015 in Physics

Englund group members develop ultrasensitive magnetic-field detector | MIT EECS

Englund group members develop ultrasensitive magnetic-field detector | MIT EECS.

Posted: April 7, 2015 in Physics

Exotic particle turns out to be quark molecule | maxnewshunt

Exotic particle turns out to be quark molecule | maxnewshunt.

Posted: April 3, 2015 in Physics

Theory of the strong interaction verified: Supercomputer calculates mass difference between neutron and proton — ScienceDaily

Theory of the strong interaction verified: Supercomputer calculates mass difference between neutron and proton — ScienceDaily.

Posted: March 27, 2015 in Physics

The first ever photograph of light as a particle and a wave | EurekAlert! Science News

The first ever photograph of light as a particle and a wave | EurekAlert! Science News.

Posted: March 2, 2015 in Physics

So long, transistor: How the ‘memristor’ could revolutionize electronics –

So long, transistor: How the 'memristor' could revolutionize electronics –

Posted: February 28, 2015 in Physics

Next Big Future: NASA Emdrive experiments have force measurements while the device is in a hard vacuum

Next Big Future: NASA Emdrive experiments have force measurements while the device is in a hard vacuum.

Posted: February 10, 2015 in Physics