Category: Physics

Stephen Hawking believes he’s solved a huge mystery about black holes – The Washington Post

Hawking presented his ideas at a historic meeting of the minds in Stockholm. Source: Stephen Hawking believes he’s solved a huge mystery about black holes >>>

Posted: August 25, 2015 in Physics

UCLA physicist tests theories of dark energy by mimicking the vacuum of space | UCLA

The researchers reproduced the low-density conditions of space to help reveal how strongly dark energy interacts with normal matter. Source: UCLA physicist tests theories of >>>

Posted: August 21, 2015 in Physics

A Magnetic Wormhole : Scientific Reports

Scientific Reports is an online, open access journal from the publishers of Nature. The 2014 Impact Factor for Scientific Reports is 5.578. Source: A Magnetic >>>

Posted: August 20, 2015 in Physics

Possible new particle hints that universe may not be left-handed – New Scientist

The possible discovery of a boson at the Large Hadron Collider suggests a restoration of symmetry between two simple things: left and right Source: Possible >>>

Posted: August 20, 2015 in Physics

ALICE precisely compares light nuclei and antinuclei

The ALICE experiment at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at CERN has made a precise measurement of the difference between ratios of the mass and electric >>>

Posted: August 17, 2015 in Physics

Fermilab experiment sees neutrinos change over 500 miles

Source: Fermilab experiment sees neutrinos change over 500 miles

Posted: August 8, 2015 in Physics

After 85-year search, massless particle with promise for next-generation electronics found

Source: After 85-year search, massless particle with promise for next-generation electronics found

Posted: July 17, 2015 in Physics

150 Years After Maxwell, Scientists Discover Fundamental Property of Light | Big Think

Light plays a vital role in our everyday lives and technologies based on light are all around us. So we might expect that our understanding of light >>>

Posted: July 5, 2015 in Physics, Quantum Physics

Superconductivity Record Bolstered by Magnetic Data

Measurements show that hydrogen sulfide superconducts much closer to room temperature than other materials do Source: Superconductivity Record Bolstered by Magnetic Data

Posted: July 1, 2015 in Chemistry, Physics

Exciton, Exciton on the Wall | U.S. DOE Office of Science (SC)

Source: Exciton, Exciton on the Wall | U.S. DOE Office of Science (SC)

Posted: June 16, 2015 in Physics