Category: Physics

Scientists discover light could exist in a previously unknown form

New research suggests that it is possible to create a new form of light by binding light to a single electron, combining the properties of >>>

Posted: August 5, 2016 in Physics

Physicists just confirmed a pear-shaped nucleus, and it could ruin time travel forever

Source: Physicists just confirmed a pear-shaped nucleus, and it could ruin time travel forever

Posted: June 27, 2016 in Biological, Physics

Breakthrough: Anti-Matter Trapped for the First Time | Big Think

Source: Breakthrough: Anti-Matter Trapped for the First Time | Big Think

Posted: June 6, 2016 in Physics

The length of a second could be about to change | Science | News | The Independent

For nearly 50 years, the length of a second has been defined in the same way. But researchers in Germany now believe they have found >>>

Posted: May 26, 2016 in Physics

Has a Hungarian Physics Lab Found a Fifth Force of Nature? – Scientific American

Some theorists say a radioactive decay anomaly could imply a fundamental new force Source: Has a Hungarian Physics Lab Found a Fifth Force of Nature? >>>

Posted: May 25, 2016 in Physics

Physicists just discovered a totally new form of light – ScienceAlert

Source: Physicists just discovered a totally new form of light – ScienceAlert

Posted: May 16, 2016 in Physics

From IT to black holes: Nano-control of light pioneers new paths

An Australian research team has created a breakthrough chip for the nano-manipulation of light, paving the way for next gen optical technologies and enabling deeper >>>

Posted: May 13, 2016 in Gadgetry, Physics

A new theory of inertia could explain the EM Drive’s anomalous thrust | ExtremeTech

A new theory of inertia could explain how NASA is generating thrust with a new drive design, and may even show them how to make >>>

Posted: April 26, 2016 in Gadgetry, Physics, Rocketry

Physicists discover flaws in superconductor theory

Source: Physicists discover flaws in superconductor theory

Posted: April 8, 2016 in Physics

New state of matter detected in a two-dimensional material

Source: New state of matter detected in a two-dimensional material

Posted: April 4, 2016 in Chemistry, Physics