Flash memory chip built out of single-atom-thick components | Ars Technica
Flash memory chip built out of single-atom-thick components | Ars Technica.
Flash memory chip built out of single-atom-thick components | Ars Technica.
3D-printer with nano-precision.
Berkeley creates the first graphene earphones, and (unsurprisingly) they’re awesome | ExtremeTech.
Long Predicted Atomic Collapse State Observed in Graphene « Berkeley Lab News Center.
Boron Nitride Nanotubes Channel Osmotic Power | SciTech Daily.
Artificially-engineered material pushes the bounds of superconductivity.
HGST doubles HDD capacities by combining self-assembling molecules, nanoimprinting – TechSpot.
Stanford University Researchers Make Complex Carbon Nanotube Circuits | MIT Technology Review.
Invisibility Cloak demoed at TED2013 – Boing Boing.
Multiplying the Power of Light – Graphene the Greatest Discovery of Our Time | Drew Iaconis.