BBC News – Google’s Schaft robot wins Darpa rescue challenge
BBC News – Google's Schaft robot wins Darpa rescue challenge.
BBC News – Google's Schaft robot wins Darpa rescue challenge.
T-Mobile Uncarrier 4 rumor: early termination fees paid off | BGR.
The Robot Revolution Has Begun At NASA With Valkyrie One.
The first smartring has an LED screen, tells time, and accepts calls | Ars Technica.
Review: Google’s $179 Moto G puts every single cheap Android phone to shame | Ars Technica.
▶ samsung galaxy s4 catches on fire samsung wants silence – YouTube.
Valve joins the Linux Foundation as it prepares its Linux-powered Steam OS and Steam Machines – The Next Web.
Can’t afford a hybrid? MIT invention offers to turn your bike into one | National Monitor.
Army Scores a Super-Stealthy Drone That Looks Like a Bird | Danger Room | Wired.com.
First Steam Machine Priced At $499; Xbox One Is In Trouble.