Promising solution to plastic pollution | Harvard Gazette
Promising solution to plastic pollution | Harvard Gazette.
Promising solution to plastic pollution | Harvard Gazette.
Yakima Herald Republic | Birth defect again found at high rate in south-central Washington.
Citizen scientists prepare to test West Coast for Fukushima radiation (with video).
If El Niño Comes This Year, It Could Be a Monster | Science | WIRED.
New radioactive leak reported at Fukushima on Sunday — Previous leak admitted to be “far more toxic” than public told — Over 80 trillion becquerels >>>
Carbon Dioxide Levels Climb Into Uncharted Territory for Humans.
Penn News | Deep Ocean Current May Slow Due to Climate Change, Penn Research Finds.
Fracking California's Coast: Billions of Gallons of Fracking Pollution Legalized By Feds | DeSmogBlog.
Earth has a secret reservoir of water, say scientists – Yahoo News UK.
BBC News – North American scientists track incoming Fukushima plume.