Team discovers way to make alane a better hydrogen fuel option for vehicles
Source: Team discovers way to make alane a better hydrogen fuel option for vehicles
Source: Team discovers way to make alane a better hydrogen fuel option for vehicles
Start-up H2 Energy Renaissance unveiled a hydrogen generator that can make hydrogen gas for $1 or less per kilogram and used by fuel cells to >>>
Source: Scientists create ‘nano-reactor’ for the production of hydrogen biofuel
Compact fuel cell system under the hood frees up more space for passengers and cargo, and can be adapted for future vehicles as well. Source: >>>
Researchers have developed a very promising prototype of a new solar celll. The material gallium phosphide enables their solar cell to produce the clean fuel >>>
Next Big Future: Graphene can be used to collect hydrogen from moist ambient air to power fuel cells.
Scientists predict green energy revolution after incredible new graphene discoveries – Science – News – The Independent.
Cheap hydrogen fuel from the sun – without rare metals.
BBC News – Researchers claim hydrogen energy advance.
A hydrogen generator that runs on an ordinary AAA battery | Science/AAAS | News.