Category: Energy Fossil Fuels Social Transportation

New Documents Reveal Exxon’s Lobbying Efforts To Stop The Electric Car

The news comes after a Koch Industries-backed campaign to rebrand fossil fuels – called Fueling U.S.Forward – was recently launched to undermine clean energy innovations >>>

Posted: September 15, 2016 in Energy, Fossil Fuels, Social, Transportation

Native Americans Hold Largest Gathering in a Century to Oppose Oil Pipeline

Krystal Two Bulls, a Water Protector of Red Warrior Camp, encourages the public to join the opposition to the Dakota Access pipeline which threatens the >>>

Posted: September 2, 2016 in Editorial, Energy, Environmental, Fossil Fuels, Social

Baby Dolphin Deaths Linked to BP Oil Spill : Discovery News

A study blames chronic illnesses in mothers exposed to the oil for the deaths of their young. Source: Baby Dolphin Deaths Linked to BP Oil >>>

Why Engineers Can’t Stop Los Angeles’ Enormous Methane Leak | Motherboard

A river of harmful gas is spewing into the air around Los Angeles, and won’t be stopping any time soon. Source: Why Engineers Can’t Stop >>>

Posted: December 27, 2015 in Editorial, Energy, Environmental, Fossil Fuels, Social

Some Mercedes, BMW and Peugeot models consuming around 50% more fuel than official results, new study reveals | ADEMLOOS

Some Mercedes, BMW and Peugeot models consuming around 50% more fuel than official results, new study reveals Source: Some Mercedes, BMW and Peugeot models consuming >>>

Posted: September 28, 2015 in Editorial, Energy, Environmental, Fossil Fuels, Transportation

Exclusive: California used 70 million gallons of water in fracking in 2014 | Reuters

Exclusive: California used 70 million gallons of water in fracking in 2014 | Reuters.

Posted: April 3, 2015 in Energy, Environmental, Fossil Fuels

Lithuania Grabs LNG in Effort to Curb Russian Dominance – Bloomberg

Lithuania Grabs LNG in Effort to Curb Russian Dominance – Bloomberg.

Posted: October 27, 2014 in Energy, Fossil Fuels

NASA now says vast methane cloud over U.S. southwest is for real

NASA now says vast methane cloud over U.S. southwest is for real.

Posted: October 13, 2014 in Energy, Environmental, Fossil Fuels

Diesel is used in fracking without permits, report says – LA Times

Diesel is used in fracking without permits, report says – LA Times.

Posted: August 14, 2014 in Biological, Chemistry, Energy, Environmental, Fossil Fuels

Nanostructured metal-oxide catalyst efficiently converts carbon dioxide to methanol, a key commodity for chemicals and fuels — ScienceDaily

Nanostructured metal-oxide catalyst efficiently converts carbon dioxide to methanol, a key commodity for chemicals and fuels — ScienceDaily.

Posted: August 4, 2014 in Chemistry, Energy, Fossil Fuels