Category: Editorial Social

FBI finishes email investigation; to interview Hillary Clinton and decide on filing criminal charges – YouTube

Posted: April 11, 2016 in Editorial, Social

Paul Krugman Attacks Bernie Sanders – The Young Turks

  Editorial: Establishment corruption must be eliminated. Paul Krugman protects his job instead of his country.  

Posted: April 11, 2016 in Editorial, Social

Voter Burns Republican Party Registration Over Colorado’s Rigged Election –

A Trump supporter from Colorado is not happy with the Republican Party. And for good reason. Instead of conducting a primary election or a caucus, >>>

Posted: April 11, 2016 in Editorial, Social

U.S. Naval Flight Officer Lt. Cmdr. Edward Lin Accused of Giving U.S. Secrets to China – USNI News

A U.S. naval flight officer with an extensive signals intelligence background was accused by the service of passing secrets to China, USNI News has learned. >>>

Posted: April 11, 2016 in Editorial, Social

MoveOn Petitions – Remove SuperDelegate Concept from voting process

I just signed a petition to Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz (FL-23) and President Barack Obama: SuperDelegates are NOT under any obligation to represent Popular votes. >>>

Posted: April 11, 2016 in Editorial, Social

Colorado Trump Delegate Removed And Replaced – YouTube

Posted: April 11, 2016 in Editorial, Social

Superdelegate: I’ll Back Hillary Clinton Until She Tells Me Not To | The Daily Caller

The superdelegate system must end. Hillary controls the superdelegates.   ‘I don’t think that it’s anti-democratic at all’ Source: Superdelegate: I’ll Back Hillary Clinton Until >>>

Posted: April 8, 2016 in Editorial, Social

Clinton Campaign Uses Noise Machine To Block Reporters | The Daily Caller

Sonic rope line? Source: Clinton Campaign Uses Noise Machine To Block Reporters | The Daily Caller

Posted: April 8, 2016 in Editorial, Social

Citizens United floods Hillary Clinton campaign with dirty money

by Dave Levinthal | Center for Public Integrity Hillary Clinton fashions herself as the ultimate general in a war against big-money politics. “You’re not going to >>>

Posted: April 8, 2016 in Editorial, Social

Clintons Have Three Accounts in the Cayman Islands | Armory of the Revolution

Clintons Have Three Cayman Island Accounts From Bloomberg: Ron Burkle, managing partner and founder of Yucaipa Cos., left, and former President Bill Clinton, right, stand >>>

Posted: April 8, 2016 in Editorial, Social