Category: Editorial Social

Is it time for the Democrats to admit Bernie Sanders is their best hope against Trump?

Source: Is it time for the Democrats to admit Bernie Sanders is their best hope against Trump?

Posted: May 12, 2016 in Editorial, Social

Mainstream Media Ignores Sanders’ Massive California Rally | News | teleSUR English

Despite drawing a huge 15,000-strong audience, the senator’s rally was not covered by any national news outlets. Source: Mainstream Media Ignores Sanders’ Massive California Rally >>>

Posted: May 12, 2016 in Editorial, Social

Media Silent as Bernie Sanders Packs California Stadium Beyond Capacity (PHOTOS)

The hashtag #BernieInSacramento quickly exploded onto the top trends on Twitter, and yet the mainstream media has once again chosen to ignore it. Source: Media >>>

Posted: May 10, 2016 in Editorial, Social

As Predicted – Billionaire Ted Cruz and Jeb Bush Backers Now Financing Hillary Clinton… | The Last Refuge

When contemplating the “inevitability threshold” we anticipated last year the Wall Street power brokers would switch to supporting Hillary Clinton if Donald Trump became inevitable.  >>>

Posted: May 9, 2016 in Editorial, Social

Tesla Model S Owners Can Pay More To Unlock Their Full Battery | Popular Science

Freemium Lithium Source: Tesla Model S Owners Can Pay More To Unlock Their Full Battery | Popular Science

Posted: May 5, 2016 in Editorial, Social

If Hillary becomes president, the country’s most corrupt plutocrats will simply ‘buy’ their way to the top of the FDA, EPA, USDA, CDC and other regulators –

If Hillary becomes president, the country’s most corrupt plutocrats will simply ‘buy’ their way to the top of the FDA, EPA, USDA, CDC and other >>>

Posted: May 4, 2016 in Editorial, Social

The NHS explains how you can stop Google from seeing your medical records – Business Insider

Google has been given access to 1.6 million patient records. Source: The NHS explains how you can stop Google from seeing your medical records – >>>

Posted: May 4, 2016 in Biological, Computer, Editorial, Internet, Security, Social

Harvard, Monsanto Scientists Create New Technology Against GMO-resistant Agricultural Pests : SCIENCE : Tech Times

Experts from Harvard University and Monsanto Co. have achieved a breakthrough technology that could be used against GMO-resistant agricultural pests. The technology allows a specific >>>

Posted: May 3, 2016 in Biological, Editorial, Social

State Party Officials Reportedly Displeased with Clinton-DNC ‘Laundering’ Scheme

Hillary Clinton’s use of a so-called joint fundraising committee, through which her presidential campaign, the Democratic National Committee (DNC), and 32 state party committees can >>>

Posted: May 3, 2016 in Editorial, Social

Long-time Iowa farm cartoonist fired after creating this cartoon | Local News – KCCI Home

The cartoon features two farmers talking about farming profits. Source: Long-time Iowa farm cartoonist fired after creating this cartoon | Local News – KCCI Home

Posted: May 3, 2016 in Earth, Editorial, Environmental, Social