Category: Editorial Social

Bernie Sanders Wins California Landslide but 2/3 of his Votes Aren’t Counted (VIDEO) – JUSTICE GAZETTE

Bernie fights on after majority of ihis eligible CA Democratic voters on June 7 were forced to vote provisional ballots, which will never be counted. >>>

Posted: June 9, 2016 in Editorial, Social

Oklahoma Police Can Seize Your Entire Bank Account on a Traffic Stop Without Any Charges

Oklahoma Highway Patrol introduces Electronic Recovery and Access to Data (ERAM) device to seize assets electronically. Police officers can use this device to

Posted: June 9, 2016 in Editorial, Social

Jill Stein Reached Out To Bernie Sanders & Her Message Will Resonate With His Supporters | Bustle

On Tuesday night, American history was made, as former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton became the first woman to secure the presidential nomination by a >>>

Posted: June 8, 2016 in Editorial, Social

Just Doing The Math – Democracy

Source: Just Doing The Math – Democracy

Posted: June 7, 2016 in Computer, Editorial, Security, Social

EXCLUSIVE: Emails Show State Dept. Officials Were Warned Of Hillary Clinton Email Spin Via @dailycaller

‘I’m sorry you guys are getting put through the wringer today’ Source: EXCLUSIVE: Emails Show State Dept. Officials Were Warned Of Hillary Clinton Email Spin >>>

Posted: June 7, 2016 in Editorial, Social

The Charlie Musgrove Report: Why Clinton’s Superdelegates Should Reconsider

Hillary Clinton never came with a “Buyer Beware” sticker attached to her, but many superdelegates might now be wishing she had. The good news is >>>

Posted: June 6, 2016 in Editorial, Social

Two dozen Disney IT workers prepare to sue over foreign replacements – Front Pages

Source: Two dozen Disney IT workers prepare to sue over foreign replacements – Front Pages

Posted: June 6, 2016 in Editorial, Social

Hillary Clinton’s protector and SS agent Gary Byrne set to publish a tell-all book | Daily Mail Online

A Secret Service agent who protected Hillary Clinton is set to publish a tell-all book. Gary Byrne was posted outside Bill Clinton’s Oval Office in >>>

Posted: June 5, 2016 in Editorial, Social

Puerto Rico Slashes Polling Places For The Democratic Primary, Laying The Groundwork For Chaos | ThinkProgress

Some are warning of long lines and voters left unable to access the ballot box. Source: Puerto Rico Slashes Polling Places For The Democratic Primary, >>>

Posted: June 4, 2016 in Editorial, Social

Hillary is cheating her way to the Democratic nomination

The Democrats had a script for 2016. Backed by big-money donors, party insiders, liberal institutions, universal name recognition, the media and terror on the part >>>

Posted: June 4, 2016 in Editorial, Social