The Strange Gaps in Hillary Clinton’s Email Traffic – POLITICO Magazine
An analysis of the released emails raises questions about whether Clinton deleted a number of work-related emails—and if she did, why. Source: The Strange Gaps >>>
An analysis of the released emails raises questions about whether Clinton deleted a number of work-related emails—and if she did, why. Source: The Strange Gaps >>>
archived 6 Jul 2016 19:41:43 UTC Source: James Comey Sells Out | Observer
Stay tuned until after the election. Source: What About the Clinton Foundation Investigation?
Sometimes in the course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another. Source: >>>
E-mails ordered released could contain evidence that Clinton kept a secret, off-the-books schedule of meetings with foreign foundation donors as secretary of state. Source: Clinton >>>
As a Democratic presidential candidate, you know you are in tough shape when other Democrats are publicly calling your actions as Secretary of State worse >>>
We talk a lot about why it’s getting harder to fix electronics. Not just because of how those devices are designed, but also because a >>>