In first, U.S. judge throws out cell phone ‘stingray’ evidence | Reuters
For the first time, a federal judge has suppressed evidence obtained without a warrant by U.S. law enforcement using a stingray, a surveillance device that >>>
For the first time, a federal judge has suppressed evidence obtained without a warrant by U.S. law enforcement using a stingray, a surveillance device that >>>
In Louisiana, Clinton performed 12% better than the pre-election polls showed. The Republican primary didn’t show any deviation. Source: New Stanford Study Shows Serious Voting >>>
Source: Hillary May End Up In Jail After All – All Thanks To Trey Gowdy – US POLITICS 24
Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Chuck Grassley (R-IA). (AP photo) Source: Senate Judiciary Chair: ‘FBI Tried to Gag Its Agents With Non-Disclosure Agreement’ on Clinton Probe
Less than two days after Baton Rouge police shot and killed Alton Sterling, who was black, at point-blank range, a Falcon Heights, Minnesota police officer shot >>>
Law enforcement officials from the FBI and other federal agencies, who for decades have jotted down confessions and statements from accused bootleggers, terrorists and others >>>