WikiLeaks – Search the AKP email database
Source: WikiLeaks – Search the AKP email database
The Sanders campaign’s application for a permit to hold a rally at Ashburn Field, a baseball field in FDR park, on Sunday, July 24, has >>>
EDITOR’S NOTE: The following article is excerpted from Dinesh D’Souza’s new book, Hillary’s America: The Secret History of the Democratic Party.In January 2015 a group of >>>
Artist Dennis Cooper has a big problem on his hands: Most of his artwork from the past 14 years just disappeared. Source: Google deletes artist’s blog, a decade >>>
Source: declasspart4.pdf
archived 15 Jul 2016 15:46:08 UTC Source: EXCLUSIVE: France ‘Suppressed News of Gruesome Torture’ at Bataclan M…
Despite proven criminal wrongdoing, certain Big Banks like HSBC are literally Too Big to Jail, and the government admits it. Source: “Too Big to Jail” >>>
The California state senate agrees with Charlie Rangel that they “deserve” to own guns but the citizens do not. They voted 28-8 to exempt themselves from >>>
A spokesman said he did not know how many emails would be released, or when. Source: State Department will release deleted Clinton emails | TheHill
Way to go Brianna Keillar! And CNN censors you for telling the truth.