Category: Computer Editorial Security Social

WikiLeaks – Search the AKP email database

Source: WikiLeaks – Search the AKP email database

Posted: July 19, 2016 in Computer, Editorial, Security, Social

Bernie Sanders Denied DNC Rally Permit

The Sanders campaign’s application for a permit to hold a rally at Ashburn Field, a baseball field in FDR park, on Sunday, July 24, has >>>

Posted: July 19, 2016 in Editorial, Social

Hillary’s America: The Secret History of the Democratic Party — Dinesh D’Souza on the Clinton Foundation | National Review

EDITOR’S NOTE: The following article is excerpted from Dinesh D’Souza’s new book, Hillary’s America: The Secret History of the Democratic Party.In January 2015 a group of >>>

Posted: July 18, 2016 in Editorial, Social

Google deletes artist’s blog, a decade of his work | Fusion

Artist Dennis Cooper has a big problem on his hands: Most of his artwork from the past 14 years just disappeared. Source: Google deletes artist’s blog, a decade >>>

Posted: July 16, 2016 in Computer, Editorial, Security, Social

The 28 Pages – Declassified

Source: declasspart4.pdf

Posted: July 15, 2016 in Editorial, Social

EXCLUSIVE: France ‘Suppressed News of Gruesome Torture’ at Bataclan M…

archived 15 Jul 2016 15:46:08 UTC Source: EXCLUSIVE: France ‘Suppressed News of Gruesome Torture’ at Bataclan M…

Posted: July 15, 2016 in Editorial, Social

“Too Big to Jail” — US Refuses to Charge HSBC Because it Could Hurt the Financial System

Despite proven criminal wrongdoing, certain Big Banks like HSBC are literally Too Big to Jail, and the government admits it. Source: “Too Big to Jail” >>>

Posted: July 14, 2016 in Editorial, Social

CA Senate Votes 28-8 to Exempt Itself from California Gun Laws – California Political Review

The California state senate agrees with Charlie Rangel that they “deserve” to own guns but the citizens do not. They voted 28-8 to exempt themselves from >>>

Posted: July 14, 2016 in Editorial, Social

State Department will release deleted Clinton emails | TheHill

A spokesman said he did not know how many emails would be released, or when. Source: State Department will release deleted Clinton emails | TheHill

Posted: July 14, 2016 in Computer, Editorial, Security, Social

CNN Cuts Reporter’s Live Feed After She Tells the Truth About Hillary Clinton’s Past

Way to go Brianna Keillar! And CNN censors you for telling the truth.

Posted: July 14, 2016 in Computer, Editorial, Security, Social, Uncategorized