Category: Editorial Social

Trump Rumored By His Volunteers To Be Considering Election Reform Proposal To Shame DNC For Rigging Primary Against Bernie | caucus99percent

Source: Trump Rumored By His Volunteers To Be Considering Election Reform Proposal To Shame DNC For Rigging Primary Against Bernie | caucus99percent

Posted: July 27, 2016 in Editorial, Social

FBI Dropped Hillary’s Email Case. But Just Weeks Later a Fresh Investigation–Into Clinton Foundation

Source: FBI Dropped Hillary’s Email Case. But Just Weeks Later a Fresh Investigation–Into Clinton Foundation Editorial: Thank you Marsha Blackburn: Why not add the Department >>>

Posted: July 27, 2016 in Editorial, Social – Half The Convention Walked Out at Hillary’s DNC Coronation, No Media Coverage (comments)

And the Press made it look like it never happened.. Source: – Half The Convention Walked Out at Hillary’s DNC Coronation, No Media Coverage >>>

Posted: July 27, 2016 in Editorial, Social

Clinton & Kaine Dodge Questions On Leaked DNC Emails – YouTube

Posted: July 26, 2016 in Editorial, Social

EXCLUSIVE: DNC Blocked Challenge to Tim Kaine By Denying Paperwork to Bernie Supporters – Breitbart

EXCLUSIVE: DNC Blocked Challenge to Tim Kaine By Denying Paperwork to Bernie Supporters Source: EXCLUSIVE: DNC Blocked Challenge to Tim Kaine By Denying Paperwork to >>>

Posted: July 26, 2016 in Editorial, Social

Evidence of Collusion: Sr. HRC advisor, DNC Finance Chair, and Dem. Gov Assoc. Finance chair met weekly with HRC Superpacs staffers, lobbyists, Exec. Vice President of DNC’s Bank, and a confidante to the Clintons. Proof of illegal collusion between the DNC, HRC Staff, and the Clinton apparatus. : WikiLeaks

archived 26 Jul 2016 08:54:04 UTC Source: Evidence of Collusion: Sr. HRC advisor, DNC Finance Chair, and Dem. Gov Assoc. Finance chair met weekly with >>>

Posted: July 26, 2016 in Computer, Editorial, Security, Social

Reddit Involved In Massive Cover-Up Of Clinton Cash, DNC Disaster, Wasserman Schultz And Wikileaks News

… Source: Reddit Involved In Massive Cover-Up Of Clinton Cash, DNC Disaster, Wasserman Schultz And Wikileaks News

Posted: July 25, 2016 in Computer, Editorial, Security, Social

HERE IT IS=> Detailed List of Findings in Wikileaks DNC Document Dump

Source: HERE IT IS=> Detailed List of Findings in Wikileaks DNC Document Dump

Posted: July 24, 2016 in Editorial, Social

Bernie Sanders supporters chant ‘HRC HAS GOT TO GO!’ as they march in Philadelphia at the DNC – YouTube


Posted: July 24, 2016 in Editorial, Social

You rigged the primaries for me and are forced to resign.

Source: UDfzd8.jpg (JPEG Image, 739 × 661 pixels)

Posted: July 24, 2016 in Editorial, Social