Category: Computer Editorial Security Social

The FBI Investigation of EmailGate Was a Sham

The Bureau turned its back on its own traditions of floating above partisan politics in the pursuit of justice. Source: The FBI Investigation of EmailGate >>>

Posted: September 25, 2016 in Computer, Editorial, Security, Social

Why There’s a Media Blackout on the Native American Oil Pipeline Blockade

Warning: the media is not a reflection of reality. Source: Why There’s a Media Blackout on the Native American Oil Pipeline Blockade

Posted: September 24, 2016 in Editorial, Social

FBI: Clinton IT Aide Discussed Hillary ‘Cover-Up Operation’ in Work Email | PJ Media

Another damning piece of evidence to add to the pile. Source: FBI: Clinton IT Aide Discussed Hillary ‘Cover-Up Operation’ in Work Email | PJ Media

Posted: September 23, 2016 in Computer, Editorial, Security, Social

“This Is An Absolutely Corrupt Process” – Clinton’s Deleted Emails Won’t Be Released Until After The Election | Zero Hedge

Most of Hillary Clinton’s deleted emails, subsequently recovered during an FBI probe into her email server abuse, won’t be made public until after Election Day, >>>

Posted: September 23, 2016 in Editorial, Social

Judicial Watch Announces a Special Panel Presentation: ‘Clinton Scandal Update – Emails and the Clinton Foundation’ – Judicial Watch

Source: Judicial Watch Announces a Special Panel Presentation: ‘Clinton Scandal Update – Emails and the Clinton Foundation’ – Judicial Watch

Posted: September 22, 2016 in Editorial, Social

BREAKING: Gary Johnson Left Off Pennsylvania Absentee Ballots

Editorial: The national election rigging has started! Swing state voters pushed to Hillary Source: BREAKING: Gary Johnson Left Off Pennsylvania Absentee Ballots

Posted: September 20, 2016 in Editorial, Social

TPP Goes Down to the Wire: Help Stop It by Joining Our Call-In

On September 14, Ask Your Representative to Oppose the TPP It’s now or never for the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP). It’s almost certain that if the >>>

Posted: September 20, 2016 in Editorial, Social

Mass censorship on Reddit today as mods delete 3 frontpaged posts and hundreds of comments revealing Hillary directed her IT guy to illegally alter emails | MeanwhileOnReddit

Voat – have your say Source: Mass censorship on Reddit today as mods delete 3 frontpaged posts and hundreds of comments revealing Hillary directed her >>>

Posted: September 19, 2016 in Computer, Editorial, Security, Social

Hillary’s IT Guy Paul Combetta asked Reddit 2 Years Ago How to Cover Up Her Emails

Source: 7jfvBr.jpg (JPEG Image, 1024 × 2000 pixels) – Scaled (47%)

Posted: September 19, 2016 in Computer, Editorial, Security, Social

Breaking: Reddit Users Break HUGE Clinton Email Story – Proving Hillary ORDERED Emails to Be Stripped

Source: Breaking: Reddit Users Break HUGE Clinton Email Story – Proving Hillary ORDERED Emails to Be Stripped

Posted: September 19, 2016 in Computer, Editorial, Security, Social