Category: Editorial Social

Trump sex assault accuser outed as Hillary’s friend.

Source: 0ww2ox6ijorx.jpg (JPEG Image, 750 × 1334 pixels) – Scaled (71%)

Posted: October 15, 2016 in Editorial, Social

Wall Street Journal Finally Breaks: “The Press Is Burying Hillary Clinton’s Sins” | Zero Hedge

“The press buries Hillary Clinton’s sins” while “focused solely on taking out Mr. Trump.” Source: Wall Street Journal Finally Breaks: “The Press Is Burying Hillary >>>

Posted: October 15, 2016 in Editorial, Social

Hacker known as ‘Guccifer,’ only player in Clinton email affair to do time, sent back to Romania

Of all the players in Hillary Clinton’s email scandal, the only one to do time is the man who first revealed to the world that >>>

Posted: October 15, 2016 in Computer, Editorial, Security, Social

DNC created fake Trump ad on Craigslist

Source: WikiLeaks – Search the DNC email database

Posted: October 14, 2016 in Editorial, Social

Must Watch!! Hillary Clinton tried to ban this video

Posted: October 13, 2016 in Editorial, Social

Donald Trump: ‘The shackles have been taken off me’

Posted: October 11, 2016 in Editorial, Social

Letter to Tulsi Gabbard after she quit the DNC – Wikileaks

Source: WikiLeaks – The Podesta Emails

Posted: October 10, 2016 in Editorial, Social

Juanita Broaddrick Relives Bill Clinton Rape/Hillary Intimidation – YouTube

Posted: October 10, 2016 in Editorial, Social

Breaking: DNC’s Donna Brazile Leaked Sanders Info to Clinton Campaign | Observer

WikiLeaks hack reveals DNC’s favoritism as Clinton staff in damage control over Hillary’s support for DOMA. Source: Breaking: DNC’s Donna Brazile Leaked Sanders Info to >>>

Posted: October 10, 2016 in Editorial, Social

Hillary deleted the emails herself according to Wikileaks

Hillary deleted the emails herself according to Wikileaks Source: WikiLeaks – The Podesta Emails

Posted: October 10, 2016 in Editorial, Social