The black hole at the birth of the Universe — ScienceDaily
The black hole at the birth of the Universe — ScienceDaily.
The black hole at the birth of the Universe — ScienceDaily.
Mysterious signal from the center of the Perseus C… – The Watchers.
Quantum bounce could make black holes explode : Nature News & Comment.
Is The Universe A Bubble? Let's Check | Perimeter Institute.
BNL Newsroom | Physicists Detect Process Even Rarer than the Long-Sought Higgs Particle.
Biggest void in universe may explain cosmic cold spot – space – 03 July 2014 – New Scientist.
'Superfluid spacetime' points to unification of physics : Nature News & Comment.
Spacetime Might Be a Superfluid, and That Could Help Explain Gravity — NOVA Next | PBS.
Cosmos Interview: Neil deGrasse Tyson Talks Blu-ray/DVD.