Planck’s ‘almost perfect’ universe could point to new physics | Science | guardian.co.uk
Planck's 'almost perfect' universe could point to new physics | Science | guardian.co.uk.
Planck's 'almost perfect' universe could point to new physics | Science | guardian.co.uk.
Beyond the Higgs boson: Five more elusive particles – CSMonitor.com.
Strong signs Higgs boson has been found: CERN – Yahoo! News.
Scientists discover how photon beam can flip the spin polarization of electrons emitted from topological insulator.
a via Physics – Black Holes Emerge from Collisions.
News in Brief: Particle caught flip-flopping | Physics | Science News.
Ex nihilo: Dynamical Casimir effect in metamaterial converts vacuum fluctuations into real photons.
Strange 'Methuselah' Star Looks Older Than the Universe | Hubble Telescope | Space.com.
Chinese physicists measure speed of Einstein’s ‘spooky action at a distance’: At least 10,000 times faster than light | ExtremeTech.
This Just in: Higgs Boson Still Boring | Wired Science | Wired.com.