New theory suggests some black holes might predate the Big Bang
New theory suggests some black holes might predate the Big Bang.
New theory suggests some black holes might predate the Big Bang.
:: University of Southampton.
Quantum gravity takes singularity out of black holes – space – 29 May 2013 – New Scientist.
Roll over Einstein: meet Weinstein | Alok Jha | Science |
Is our universe merely one of billions? Evidence of the existence of 'multiverse' revealed for the first time by cosmic map | Mail Online.
New Planck Data Challenges Our Understanding of the Universe | SciTech Daily.
Scientists revise Big Bang theory: there may be multiple universes | Story & Education Stories | The Australian.
Antarctic Neutrino Observatory Detects Unexplained High-Energy Particles: Scientific American.
Quantum trick offers source for mystery cosmic magnets – space – 10 May 2013 – New Scientist.
Penn News | Penn Astrophysicists Zero In on Gravity Theory.