Titan supercomputer will have world’s fastest storage at 1.4TB/s | ExtremeTech
Titan supercomputer will have world’s fastest storage at 1.4TB/s | ExtremeTech.
Titan supercomputer will have world’s fastest storage at 1.4TB/s | ExtremeTech.
Parallella: The $99 Linux supercomputer | ZDNet.
Cloud's real ecological timebomb: Wireless, not data centres – green energy, Cloud, mobility, green IT, cloud computing, environment – Computerworld.
Samsung Mass Producing 128Gb 3-bit MLC NAND Flash.
IBM to invest $1 billion in R&D for flash storage | Business Tech – CNET News.
Intel wants to kill the traditional server rack with 100Gbps links | Ars Technica.
Quantum tricks drive magnetic switching into the fast lane | Ames Laboratory.
Exclusive: Ongoing malware attack targeting Apache hijacks 20,000 sites | Ars Technica.
AnandTech | OpenCompute servers and AMD Open 3.0.