Category: Computer Security

“This is No Longer Fiction” – The Era of Automatic Facial Recognition and Surveillance Is Here | Liberty Blitzkrieg

Whenever cryptographer and computer security specialist Bruce Schneier issues a warning about something, I pay close attention. What follows are excerpts from a recent piece he wrote for >>>

Posted: October 19, 2015 in Computer, Security

Secret Code in Color Printers Lets Government Track You | Electronic Frontier Foundation

San Francisco – A research team led by the Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) recently broke the code behind tiny tracking dots that some color laser >>>

Posted: October 18, 2015 in Computer, Editorial, Security

Code injection: A new low for ISPs | InfoWorld

Beyond underhanded, Comcast and other carriers are inserting their own ads and notifications into their customers’ data streams Source: Code injection: A new low for >>>

Posted: October 18, 2015 in Computer, Internet, Security

FCC Should Mandate Open Source Router Firmware And Fast Security Updates, Say Internet Experts

Over 260 security and network experts, including the co-inventor of the Internet, Vint Cerf, sent an open letter to the FCC asking it to mandate >>>

Posted: October 18, 2015 in Computer, Security, Software

Fuming Bernie supporters: Why is CNN deleting our comments?

Posted: October 18, 2015 in Computer, Editorial, Internet, Security

How NSA successfully Broke Trillions of Encrypted Connections

Posted: October 17, 2015 in Computer, Editorial, Security

NYPD uses secret X-ray vans with ability to see through cars, houses and what’s under your coat

New York Police are using vans with X-ray capability but won’t officially say what they’re using them for. Source: NYPD uses secret X-ray vans with >>>

Posted: October 17, 2015 in Computer, Editorial, Military, Security

This USB stick will fry your computer within seconds

Yet another reason not to plug a USB stick of unknown origin into one of … Source: This USB stick will fry your computer within >>>

Posted: October 13, 2015 in Computer, Security

White Hat Hackers Would Have Their Devices Destroyed Under the TPP

It could leave the internet of things fundamentally insecure. Source: White Hat Hackers Would Have Their Devices Destroyed Under the TPP

Posted: October 12, 2015 in Computer, Security

Apple reportedly blocking its own News app in China – CNET

Deactivation of the mobile newspaper viewer comes as the tech company expands its retail presence in the country. Source: Apple reportedly blocking its own News >>>

Posted: October 11, 2015 in Biological, Internet, Security