Category: Computer Security

The FBI Can Neither Confirm Nor Deny Wiretapping Your Amazon Echo

Back in March, I filed a Freedom of Information request with the FBI asking if the agency had ever wiretapped an Amazon Echo. This week >>>

Posted: May 14, 2016 in Computer, Security

Kremlin Has Hillary’s Emails | LifeZette

The Kremlin is considering whether or not to release some 20,000 hacked Clinton emails reportedly in its possession. Russian security services apparently obtained the emails >>>

Posted: May 12, 2016 in Computer, Editorial, Security, Social

This Isn’t a Google Streetview Car, It’s a Government Spy Truck

Officials won’t say why a government agency is posing as Google—or who that agency is. Source: This Isn’t a Google Streetview Car, It’s a Government >>>

Posted: May 12, 2016 in Computer, Editorial, Security, Social

All versions of Windows hit by “critical” security vulnerabilities | ZDNet

It’s the fourth patch so far this year that’s hit all versions of Windows. Source: All versions of Windows hit by “critical” security vulnerabilities | >>>

Posted: May 11, 2016 in Computer, Security

Model S software crashes car, but Tesla blames the driver

You may love your Tesla, but that doesn’t make it any less prone to accidents than other cars. If you want an example, consider that a >>>

Posted: May 11, 2016 in Artificial Intelligence, Computer, Security

RANT: Microsoft Visual Studio 2015 – Levicki’s Tech Spot –

Source: RANT: Microsoft Visual Studio 2015 – Levicki’s Tech Spot –

Posted: May 8, 2016 in Computer, Security

Police Used Stingray in Hunt for $50 Chicken Wing Thief

i Source: Police Used Stingray in Hunt for $50 Chicken Wing Thief

Posted: May 5, 2016 in Computer, Security

Hackers are trading millions of Gmail, Hotmail, Yahoo logins

Source: Hackers are trading millions of Gmail, Hotmail, Yahoo logins

Posted: May 5, 2016 in Computer, Security

The NHS explains how you can stop Google from seeing your medical records – Business Insider

Google has been given access to 1.6 million patient records. Source: The NHS explains how you can stop Google from seeing your medical records – >>>

Posted: May 4, 2016 in Biological, Computer, Editorial, Internet, Security, Social

Brooks Bell on Instagram: “Here it is folks. Voter supression in my own fucking neighborhood. People all morning at my location today were told that they couldn’t vote for Bernie. Demand that your machines be reset until you see a red light for Bernie. Don

Posted: April 26, 2016 in Computer, Editorial, Security, Social