Apple pulls iOS 9.3.2 update after bricking iPad Pros – Business Insider
iOS 9.3.2 has had a disastrous effect on some customers’ iPad Pros. Source: Apple pulls iOS 9.3.2 update after bricking iPad Pros – Business Insider
iOS 9.3.2 has had a disastrous effect on some customers’ iPad Pros. Source: Apple pulls iOS 9.3.2 update after bricking iPad Pros – Business Insider
Source: BREAKING: Hillary Campaign Accused of Mass Cheating in Kentucky Primary– 4,000 Votes Scratched to Give Hillary Win
In a surprise ending to the TeslaCrypt ransomware, the malware developers have released the master decryption key for their victims. This means that all victims >>>
Source: SnapChat Is Getting Sued For Allegedly Saving Biometric Data From Face Filters | BlameEbro.com
Allwinner’s ARM Linux kernel includes “rootmydevice” code that gives apps root. Source: Chinese ARM vendor left developer backdoor in kernel for Android, other devices | >>>
Source: Online tracking: A 1-million-site measurement and analysis
A 2012 LinkedIn hack data set which contains over 100 million LinkedIn members’ emails and passwords, has now been posted online. Source: 117 Million LinkedIn >>>
Yet another issue with voting machines has caused votes to be erased, but this time in Kentucky as Hillary Clinton surges past Bernie Sanders. Source: >>>
At the end of the climactic scene (8 minutes) in HBO’s Emmy nominated Hacking Democracy (2006), a Leon County, Florida Election official breaks down in >>>
But come June 2, a lot of other routers will block third-party firmware. Source: Linksys WRT routers won’t block open source firmware despite FCC rules >>>