Category: Computer Security

Facebook scanned private messages to boost ‘likes,’ lawsuit claims – CNET

Facebook is being sued for allegedly scanning users’ private messages for links to webpages, which it then treated as “likes” for those pages. Source: Facebook >>>

Posted: June 8, 2016 in Computer, Security

Bitcoiners Who Use Tor – Be Warned!

Bitcoiners love Tor but the FBI has updated its Rule 41, which means that unless Congress blocks it, using Tor could become illegal in the >>>

Posted: June 8, 2016 in Computer, Security

Tesla Model X crashes into building – did someone say autonomous? Ha!

Source: Tesla Model X crashes into building, owner blames everything but the driver | The Verge

Posted: June 7, 2016 in Computer, Gadgetry, Robotics, Security, Social

Just Doing The Math – Democracy

Source: Just Doing The Math – Democracy

Posted: June 7, 2016 in Computer, Editorial, Security, Social

FBI wants access to Internet browser history without a warrant in terrorism and spy cases

But the bureau’s effort to amend a surveillance law is raising privacy concerns. Source: FBI wants access to Internet browser history without a warrant in >>>

Posted: June 7, 2016 in Computer, Security

Inspector General’s Report Refutes All of Hillary Clinton’s Defenses For Using Private Email Server

The Democratic frontrunner is painted as stubborn, self-isolated, and unaccountable in IG’s report. Source: Inspector General’s Report Refutes All of Hillary Clinton’s Defenses For Using >>>

Posted: June 3, 2016 in Computer, Security

Windows Zero-Day Affecting All OS Versions on Sale for $90,000

t Source: Windows Zero-Day Affecting All OS Versions on Sale for $90,000

Posted: June 1, 2016 in Computer, Operating Systems, Security

Systemd 230 Is Upsetting Some Over Its KillUserProcess Setting – Phoronix

Source: Systemd 230 Is Upsetting Some Over Its KillUserProcess Setting – Phoronix

Posted: May 28, 2016 in Computer, Operating Systems, Security

Major DNS provider hit by mysterious, focused DDoS attack

Attack on NS1 sends 50 million to 60 million lookup packets per second. Source: Major DNS provider hit by mysterious, focused DDoS attack

Posted: May 27, 2016 in Computer, Security

Tesla Model S on Autopilot crashes into van parked on highway – Roadshow

It seems like some Tesla owners still aren’t paying enough attention. Source: Tesla Model S on Autopilot crashes into van parked on highway – Roadshow

Posted: May 26, 2016 in Computer, Security