Facebook scanned private messages to boost ‘likes,’ lawsuit claims – CNET
Facebook is being sued for allegedly scanning users’ private messages for links to webpages, which it then treated as “likes” for those pages. Source: Facebook >>>
Facebook is being sued for allegedly scanning users’ private messages for links to webpages, which it then treated as “likes” for those pages. Source: Facebook >>>
Bitcoiners love Tor but the FBI has updated its Rule 41, which means that unless Congress blocks it, using Tor could become illegal in the >>>
Source: Tesla Model X crashes into building, owner blames everything but the driver | The Verge
But the bureau’s effort to amend a surveillance law is raising privacy concerns. Source: FBI wants access to Internet browser history without a warrant in >>>
The Democratic frontrunner is painted as stubborn, self-isolated, and unaccountable in IG’s report. Source: Inspector General’s Report Refutes All of Hillary Clinton’s Defenses For Using >>>
t Source: Windows Zero-Day Affecting All OS Versions on Sale for $90,000
Source: Systemd 230 Is Upsetting Some Over Its KillUserProcess Setting – Phoronix
Attack on NS1 sends 50 million to 60 million lookup packets per second. Source: Major DNS provider hit by mysterious, focused DDoS attack
It seems like some Tesla owners still aren’t paying enough attention. Source: Tesla Model S on Autopilot crashes into van parked on highway – Roadshow