Here’s what happened when I asked GoDaddy to not report me to the FBI
Source: Here’s what happened when I asked GoDaddy to not report me to the FBI
Source: Here’s what happened when I asked GoDaddy to not report me to the FBI
A new ransomware has been discovered called RAA that is coded entirely in JavaScript and uses the CryptoJS library to encrypt a victim’s files. Once >>>
Academic Researchers: Statistical models applied to 2016 vote data proves Hillary Clinton’s win was only possible through widespread vote fraud. Source: Odds Hillary Won Without >>>
Source: Stanford University Confirms Democratic Election Fraud « InvestmentWatch
Recent Intel x86 processors implement a secret, powerful control mechanism that runs on a separate chip that no one is allowed to audit or examine. >>>
Source: Air Force, Lockheed Martin Combine Forces To ‘Lose’ 100,000 Inspector General Investigations | Techdirt
In a crucial win for Internet users, today a federal appeals court upheld [PDF] clear net neutrality rules that will let us all use and >>>
X5 simplifies the process of stealing details from contactless debit cards, cloning fake debit cards Source: New Device Sold on the Dark Web Can Clone >>>