For $800 you can buy internet engineers’ answer to US government spying • The Register
Open-source CrypTech board launches in Berlin Source: For $800 you can buy internet engineers’ answer to US government spying • The Register
Open-source CrypTech board launches in Berlin Source: For $800 you can buy internet engineers’ answer to US government spying • The Register
Source: Cloudflare reCAPTCHA De-anonymizes Tor Users
Artist Dennis Cooper has a big problem on his hands: Most of his artwork from the past 14 years just disappeared. Source: Google deletes artist’s blog, a decade >>>
The UK government has explicitly confirmed that a surveillance bill now making its way through the second chamber could be used to require a company >>>
We all took a collective gasp when we saw the price tag of Microsoft’s acquisition of LinkedIn. Now that the dust has settled a bit, >>>
Access to several social media sites was blocked for over an hour in Turkey today during a reported military coup. Although internet traffic appears to >>>
Subscription charges are now an official part of Windows 10 pricing. Source: Microsoft Confirms Windows 10 New Monthly Charge – Forbes
A spokesman said he did not know how many emails would be released, or when. Source: State Department will release deleted Clinton emails | TheHill
Way to go Brianna Keillar! And CNN censors you for telling the truth.
For the first time, a federal judge has suppressed evidence obtained without a warrant by U.S. law enforcement using a stingray, a surveillance device that >>>