Category: Quantum Computing

New breakthrough discovery—every quantum particle travels backwards

Source: New breakthrough discovery—every quantum particle travels backwards

Posted: July 18, 2017 in Quantum Computing

Split decision in first-ever quantum computer faceoff

Trapped ions calculate more reliably but superconducting circuits are faster Source: Split decision in first-ever quantum computer faceoff

Posted: February 21, 2017 in Computer, Quantum Computing

D-Wave’s 2,000-Qubit Quantum Annealing Computer Now 1,000x Faster Than Previous Generation

D-Wave announced its next-generation quantum annealing computer that’s powered by 2,000-qubits and is 1,000 faster than the previous 1,000-qubit generation. Source: D-Wave’s 2,000-Qubit Quantum Annealing >>>

Posted: September 28, 2016 in Computer, Quantum Computing

Chemical breakthrough in quantum computing

Nanowerk, the leading nanotechnology portal, is committed to educate, inform and inspire about nanotechnologies, nanosciences, and other emerging techs

Posted: July 18, 2016 in Chemistry, Computer, Quantum Computing

Google moves closer to a universal quantum computer : Nature News & Comment

Combining the best of analog and digital approaches could yield a full-scale multipurpose quantum computer. Source: Google moves closer to a universal quantum computer : >>>

Posted: June 9, 2016 in Computer, Quantum Computing

Quantum Computing And How You Can Get Involved Now | College News

You might ask yourself, “What is quantum computing, and how do I get involved?”Before we begin to explain quantum computing, a brief glimpse of the >>>

Posted: June 7, 2016 in Computer, Quantum Computing

Primitive quantum computers are already outperforming current machines – ScienceAlert

Source: Primitive quantum computers are already outperforming current machines – ScienceAlert

Posted: May 15, 2016 in Computer, Quantum Computing

IBM just beat Google to a brand new type of computing

This is a new kind of computer that works differently than normal computers and has to be kept in a special refrigerator at outer-space temperatures. >>>

Posted: May 4, 2016 in Computer, Quantum Computing

Europe plans giant billion-euro quantum technologies project : Nature News & Comment

Third European Union flagship will be similar in size and ambition to graphene and human brain initiatives. Source: Europe plans giant billion-euro quantum technologies project >>>

Posted: April 22, 2016 in Computer, Quantum Computing

Changing the colour of single photons in a diamond quantum memory

Source: Changing the colour of single photons in a diamond quantum memory

Posted: April 5, 2016 in Computer, Quantum Computing, Quantum Physics