3 Immediate Linux Alternatives for XP Users
3 Immediate Linux Alternatives for XP Users.
3 Immediate Linux Alternatives for XP Users.
New iOS flaw makes devices susceptible to covert keylogging, researchers say | Ars Technica.
Plan 9 from Bell Labs.
New Android OEM licensing terms leak; “Open” comes with a lot of restrictions | Ars Technica.
Why Google Android software is not as free or open-source as you may think | Technology | theguardian.com.
Munich declares switch to open source successfully completed – ComputerworldUK.com.
NSA Asked Linus Torvalds To Install Backdoors Into GNU/Linux – Falkvinge on Infopolicy.
Linux Outfit Canonical Launches Campaign to Silence Privacy Critic | Wired Enterprise | Wired.com.
Windows RT 8.1 update temporarily pulled due to a “situation” | Ars Technica.
Apple taken to court over unwanted iOS 7 install download | Apple – CNET News.