GitHub battles “largest DDoS” in site’s history, targeted at anti-censorship tools | Ars Technica
GitHub battles “largest DDoS” in site’s history, targeted at anti-censorship tools | Ars Technica.
GitHub battles “largest DDoS” in site’s history, targeted at anti-censorship tools | Ars Technica.
Chinese anti-censorship group GreatFire is under DDoS attack 2,500 times more than normal levels.
Mattel’s new “Hello Barbie” records kids’ voices and sends the intel back to corporate – Quartz.
Why bother with websites? Just ban atheism | Richard Dawkins Foundation.
This Guy Is Creating an All-New Cell Network Built by You | WIRED.
Fraud Comes to Apple Pay – Digits – WSJ.
“FREAK” flaw undermines security for Apple and Google users, researchers discover.
Rogue Router Firmware Chaos #Backdoor | Entrust:Blog.
FCC overturns state laws that protect ISPs from local competition | Ars Technica.
FCC approves net neutrality rules, reclassifies broadband as a utility.