Category: Computer Internet Social

Dallas Buyers Club: Court rules in favour of film’s illegal downloaders |

More than 4700 people who illegally downloaded a Hollywood blockbuster have won a reprieve from the Federal Court of Australia. Here’s why. Source: Dallas Buyers >>>

Posted: August 14, 2015 in Computer, Internet, Social

How this hacker can virtually ‘kill’ you, and what to do about it –

At the DEF CON hacker conference, Kustodian CEO Chris Rock demonstrated how fraudsters could artificially ‘kill’ someone for a profit or prank due to vulnerabilities >>>

Posted: August 14, 2015 in Computer, Internet, Security

Awesome Stuff: Making Mesh Networks | Techdirt

Source: Awesome Stuff: Making Mesh Networks | Techdirt

Posted: August 8, 2015 in Computer, Internet, Uncategorized

EFF Told to “Shut the Hell Up” About SOPA – TorrentFreak

Warnings from the EFF this week that Hollywood is making renewed efforts to obtain SOPA-like powers over Internet companies has touched a nerve, with filmmakers >>>

Posted: August 8, 2015 in Computer, Editorial, Internet, Security, Social

Microsoft is using customers’ bandwidth to deliver Windows updates

Microsoft is using a Torrent-like setup to help alleviate the load on its servers by allowing users to get updates from other users’ computers, using >>>

Posted: July 31, 2015 in Computer, Internet, Operating Systems, Security

Hacking Drones Close to Being Drawn up by Boeing and Hacking Team

Leaked emails between Italian spyware vendor Hacking Team and Boeing subsidiary Insitu revealed that drones carrying malware to infect targeted computers via Wi-Fi by flying >>>

Posted: July 22, 2015 in Computer, Internet, Security

Cablevision Sued for Turning User Routers into Public Hotspots | DSLReports, ISP Information

News: Cablevision is being sued by a man who claims the company’s decision to turn his home gateway into a publicly-available hotspot violates the Computer >>>

Posted: July 21, 2015 in Computer, Internet, Security

FCC Fining AT&T $100 Million for Misleading Unlimited Data Plans | Re/code

The FCC’s action follows a lawsuit filed last year by the FTC about AT&T’s unlimited data throttling. Source: FCC Fining AT&T $100 Million for Misleading >>>

Posted: June 17, 2015 in Computer, Internet

Twitter moves non-US accounts to Ireland away from the NSA

Twitter moves non-US accounts to Ireland away from the NSA.

Posted: April 18, 2015 in Computer, Internet, Security

▶ Lee Kuan Yew Is Finally Dead! Amos Yee arrested: Free Amos Yee !

▶ Lee Kuan Yew Is Finally Dead! – YouTube.

Posted: March 30, 2015 in Computer, Editorial, Internet, Security