Apple reportedly blocking its own News app in China – CNET
Deactivation of the mobile newspaper viewer comes as the tech company expands its retail presence in the country. Source: Apple reportedly blocking its own News >>>
Deactivation of the mobile newspaper viewer comes as the tech company expands its retail presence in the country. Source: Apple reportedly blocking its own News >>>
A new directive from CERT warns that inadequately secure cookie authorisation opens up an attack vector for secure websites, with all modern browsers vulnerable. Source: >>>
The United States continues its economic decline as shown in the latest Economic Freedom of the World report. Source: New Data Reveals U.S. Far From >>>
“Pledge of compliance” may require companies to turn over data, install backdoors. Source: China tells US tech companies to sign PRISM-like cyber-loyalty pact | Ars >>>
As Google Fiber grows out its operations into other cities, things will get more difficult as far as keeping up with demand. Until then, Google >>>
A music company’s demand that YouTube take down a 29-second home video of two children dancing to a song by Prince backfired Monday when a >>>
Wi-Fi flashware tips a glass to calm the chaos Source: OpenWrt gets update in face of FCC’s anti-flashing push
Google’s Chrome browser no longer supports NPAPI plugins including Java, Unity and Silverlight. Support for the plugins has been removed in version 45 of the >>>
Almost 200 people have been punished for offences including spreading rumours, the Chinese authorities said, blaming individuals including brokers and journalists for recent stock market >>>
John Naughton: Users complain about load times and third-party scripts, but if ad-blocking continues to rise, what happens to the web’s business model? Source: Is >>>