Category: Biological Internet Security

Apple reportedly blocking its own News app in China – CNET

Deactivation of the mobile newspaper viewer comes as the tech company expands its retail presence in the country. Source: Apple reportedly blocking its own News >>>

Posted: October 11, 2015 in Biological, Internet, Security

Cookies can facilitate attacks on secure web sites

A new directive from CERT warns that inadequately secure cookie authorisation opens up an attack vector for secure websites, with all modern browsers vulnerable. Source: >>>

Posted: September 27, 2015 in Computer, Internet, Security

New Data Reveals U.S. Far From Freest Country in the World

The United States continues its economic decline as shown in the latest Economic Freedom of the World report. Source: New Data Reveals U.S. Far From >>>

Posted: September 18, 2015 in Computer, Editorial, Internet, Security, Social

China tells US tech companies to sign PRISM-like cyber-loyalty pact | Ars Technica

“Pledge of compliance” may require companies to turn over data, install backdoors. Source: China tells US tech companies to sign PRISM-like cyber-loyalty pact | Ars >>>

Posted: September 17, 2015 in Computer, Internet, Security

Google Fiber Installers On Time For 96% Of Appointments, Call Center Hold Times Under A Minute | TechCrunch

As Google Fiber grows out its operations into other cities, things will get more difficult as far as keeping up with demand. Until then, Google >>>

Posted: September 17, 2015 in Computer, Internet

Demand that mother remove home video from YouTube backfires

A music company’s demand that YouTube take down a 29-second home video of two children dancing to a song by Prince backfired Monday when a >>>

Posted: September 15, 2015 in Computer, Internet, Security

OpenWrt gets update in face of FCC’s anti-flashing push

Wi-Fi flashware tips a glass to calm the chaos Source: OpenWrt gets update in face of FCC’s anti-flashing push

Posted: September 14, 2015 in Computer, Internet, Security

Chrome removes support for Java and Silverlight plugins –

Google’s Chrome browser no longer supports NPAPI plugins including Java, Unity and Silverlight. Support for the plugins has been removed in version 45 of the >>>

Posted: September 8, 2015 in Internet, Software

China cracksdown on market rumours with mass arrests

Almost 200 people have been punished for offences including spreading rumours, the Chinese authorities said, blaming individuals including brokers and journalists for recent stock market >>>

Posted: August 31, 2015 in Computer, Editorial, Internet, Security

Is this really the beginning of the end for web ads? | Comment is free | The Guardian

John Naughton: Users complain about load times and third-party scripts, but if ad-blocking continues to rise, what happens to the web’s business model? Source: Is >>>

Posted: August 24, 2015 in Computer, Internet