Category: Computer Editorial Internet Social

Fairpoint Begins Charging $3 ‘Broadband Cost Recovery Fee’ | DSLReports, ISP Information

News: If there’s one problem with the broadband industry that regulators simply refuse to even acknowledge, it’s the use of misleading below the line fees >>>

Posted: September 15, 2016 in Computer, Editorial, Internet, Social

European Copyright Leak Exposes Plans to Force the Internet to Subsidize Publishers | Electronic Frontier Foundation

A just-leaked draft impact assessment on the modernization of European copyright rules could spell the end for many online services in Europe as we know >>>

Posted: August 27, 2016 in Computer, Internet, Security

Hillary Clinton Vows To Shut Down Alternative Media

Hillary Clinton has threatened to shut down alternative news websites in America if she is elected President of the United States. Source: Hillary Clinton Vows >>>

Posted: August 20, 2016 in Computer, Editorial, Internet, Security, Social

AT&T, Comcast Fight Utility Pole Reform To Slow Google Fiber’s Arrival In Nashville | Techdirt

Source: AT&T, Comcast Fight Utility Pole Reform To Slow Google Fiber’s Arrival In Nashville | Techdirt

Posted: August 5, 2016 in Computer, Internet

Two first-gen flaws carried over to HTTP/2, warn security bods

Quartet of weaknesses include ancient vuln from 2009 Source: Two first-gen flaws carried over to HTTP/2, warn security bods

Posted: August 3, 2016 in Computer, Internet, Security

Handover of US internet control to ICANN officially blocked in Republican policy • The Register

China, Russia, Iran will ‘devour’ the web after IANA transition Source: Handover of US internet control to ICANN officially blocked in Republican policy • The >>>

Posted: July 20, 2016 in Computer, Internet, Security

Cloudflare reCAPTCHA De-anonymizes Tor Users

Source: Cloudflare reCAPTCHA De-anonymizes Tor Users

Posted: July 19, 2016 in Computer, Internet, Security

How to circumvent Turkey’s social media block | TechCrunch

Access to several social media sites was blocked for over an hour in Turkey today during a reported military coup. Although internet traffic appears to >>>

Posted: July 15, 2016 in Computer, Internet, Security, Social

9th Circuit: It’s a federal crime to visit a website after being told not to visit it – The Washington Post

Are you worried about the scope of the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act? You have good reason to worry after today’s decision in Facebook v. >>>

Posted: July 13, 2016 in Computer, Internet, Security

MIT anonymity network promises to be more secure than Tor

Source: MIT anonymity network promises to be more secure than Tor

Posted: July 11, 2016 in Computer, Internet, Security