Category: Computer CPU Processors Security

Researcher Warns of Major x86 Processor Security Vulnerability

A researcher has revealed a potentially serious vulnerability in x86 processors which allows for malicious code to be injected directly into the cpu chip. Source: >>>

Posted: August 7, 2015 in Computer, CPU, Processors, Security

Superfast fluorescence sets new speed record

Researchers have developed an ultrafast light-emitting device that can flip on and off 90 billion times a second and could form the basis of optical >>>

Posted: July 28, 2015 in Computer, CPU, Processors

Neural network chip built using memristors | Ars Technica

Paired memristors act like synapses to link circuitry that acts like neurons. Source: Neural network chip built using memristors | Ars Technica

Posted: May 6, 2015 in Artificial Intelligence, Computer, CPU, Processors

Intel forges ahead to 10nm, will move away from silicon at 7nm | Ars Technica

Intel forges ahead to 10nm, will move away from silicon at 7nm | Ars Technica.

Posted: February 24, 2015 in Computer, CPU, Graphics, Processors

Intel unveils new Xeon chip with integrated FPGA, touts 20x performance boost | ExtremeTech

Intel unveils new Xeon chip with integrated FPGA, touts 20x performance boost | ExtremeTech.

Posted: November 2, 2014 in Computer, CPU

DARPA’s Chipset Runs an Astonishing 1 Trillion Cycles Per Second

DARPA's Chipset Runs an Astonishing 1 Trillion Cycles Per Second.

Posted: October 29, 2014 in Computer, CPU

Intel Opens Door on 7nm, Foundry | EE Times

Intel Opens Door on 7nm, Foundry | EE Times.

Posted: September 22, 2014 in Computer, CPU