Category: Biological Chemistry

The Parmesan Cheese You Sprinkle on Your Penne Could Be Wood

Some brands promising 100 percent purity contained no Parmesan at all. Source: The Parmesan Cheese You Sprinkle on Your Penne Could Be Wood

Posted: February 16, 2016 in Biological, Chemistry

Atom-thick semiconductor material to boost battery life and make tech 100 times faster – Factor

Engineers have discovered a new semiconductor material that has the potential to significantly increase the battery life of smartphones, computers and other gadgets while increasing >>>

Posted: February 15, 2016 in Chemistry

Carbon nanotube film is stronger and stretchier than kevlar

Source: Carbon nanotube film is stronger and stretchier than kevlar

Posted: February 4, 2016 in Camera, Chemistry, Gadgetry, Nanotechnology

IU scientists create ‘nano-reactor’ for the production of hydrogen biofuel: IU Bloomington Newsroom: Indiana University Bloomington

IU scientists create ‘nano-reactor’ for the production of hydrogen biofuel Source: IU scientists create ‘nano-reactor’ for the production of hydrogen biofuel: IU Bloomington Newsroom: Indiana >>>

Posted: January 25, 2016 in Chemistry

First materials to be woven at the atomic and molecular levels created

Source: First materials to be woven at the atomic and molecular levels created

Posted: January 21, 2016 in Chemistry, Nanotechnology, Physics

Scientists create ‘nano-reactor’ for the production of hydrogen biofuel

Source: Scientists create ‘nano-reactor’ for the production of hydrogen biofuel

Posted: January 5, 2016 in Biofuel, Chemistry, Energy, Hydrogen

The 7th Row of the Periodic Table is Finally Complete – Futurism

And with a single announcement, millions of text books around the world have been made incompleteā€”out of date. Source: The 7th Row of the Periodic >>>

Posted: January 4, 2016 in Chemistry

Mystery material stuns scientists

How does water on the surface of this bizarre material control UV light emission and also its conductivity? (credit: Mohammad A. Islam et al./Nano

Posted: December 20, 2015 in Chemistry

‘Material universe’ yields surprising new particle

Source: ‘Material universe’ yields surprising new particle

Posted: November 26, 2015 in Chemistry

Pi Found in Mathematical Calculation of the Hydrogen Atom | The Science Explorer

A quantum mechanical calculation unexpectedly spitsĀ out the number. Source: Pi Found in Mathematical Calculation of the Hydrogen Atom | The Science Explorer

Posted: November 20, 2015 in Chemistry, Mathematics