Category: Editorial Social

Hillary Wants Foundation To Keep Accepting Foreign Donations | The Daily Caller

Even if elected president, Clinton wants the money rolling in Source: Hillary Wants Foundation To Keep Accepting Foreign Donations | The Daily Caller

Posted: October 31, 2016 in Editorial, Social

You Can Legally Hack Your Own Car, Pacemaker, or Smartphone Now | WIRED

An exemption in a decade-old anti-hacking statute has finally kicked in, and could unleash a new bounty of security research. Source: You Can Legally Hack >>>

Posted: October 31, 2016 in Chemistry, Editorial, Security, Social

New discovery could solve mystery surrounding Amelia Earhart | Fox News

Scientists say a new discovery shows a striking similarity between the pilot and the partial skeleton of a castaway found on an island of Kiribati >>>

Posted: October 31, 2016 in Social, Transportation

Watchdog Alleges Virginia Prepping to Accommodate Mass Voter Fraud | LifeZette

Virginia has printed 1 million provisional ballots, an unprecedented number that could allow a large number of previously disqualified felons to cast ballots for president >>>

Posted: October 31, 2016 in Computer, Editorial, Security, Social

Google just disclosed a major Windows bug — and Microsoft isn’t happy – The Verge

Source: Google just disclosed a major Windows bug — and Microsoft isn’t happy – The Verge

Posted: October 31, 2016 in Computer, Operating Systems, Security

Julian Assange – Google Is Not What It Seems

Source: Julian Assange – Google Is Not What It Seems

Posted: October 31, 2016 in Computer, Editorial, Internet, Social

WikiLeaks – The Podesta Emails #24

Source: WikiLeaks – The Podesta Emails

Posted: October 31, 2016 in Editorial, Social

CNN cuts ties with Donna Brazile after she leaked questions

CNN has accepted Donna Brazile’s resignation as a contributor after new hacked emails showed she tipped off Hillary Clinton’s campaign. Source: CNN cuts ties with >>>

Posted: October 31, 2016 in Editorial, Social