Doubling battery power of consumer electronics | MIT News
New lithium metal batteries could make smartphones, drones, and electric cars last twice as long. Source: Doubling battery power of consumer electronics | MIT News
New lithium metal batteries could make smartphones, drones, and electric cars last twice as long. Source: Doubling battery power of consumer electronics | MIT News
The subtle mechanics of densely packed cells may help explain why some cancerous tumors stay put while others break off and spread through the body. >>>
A new Einsteinian equation, ER=EPR, may be the clue physicists need to merge quantum mechanics with general relativity. Source: A new ‘Einstein’ equation suggests wormholes >>>
Source: LKML: <1471274895@i2pmail …: Fake Linus Torvalds’ Key Found in the Wild, No More Short-IDs.
Whatever legitimacy the “Black Lives Matters” (BLM) movement may have is lost in its funding from on Source: WARNING: The Real Power and Purpose Behind >>>
Researchers have just achieved a spectacular breakthrough in cancer research. They have developed new nanorobotic agents capable of navigating through the bloodstream to administer a >>>
The NSAID mefenamic acid helped fix memory problems in mice, suggesting it may reduce inflammation and symptoms of Alzheimer’s disease in humans. Source: Anti-inflammatory drug >>>
Source: Volkswagen Created A ‘Backdoor’ To Basically All Its Cars… And Now Hackers Can Open All Of Them | Techdirt
The proton’s charge radius shouldn’t change, and yet it appears to. Source: Researchers orbit a muon around an atom, confirm physics is broken
Learn about project management tools the Dototot team considers fundamental to professional media production, and find out what’s in their FOSS toolkit for digital video production >>>