Your Phone’s Vibration Motor Can Spy On What You’re Saying | Popular Science
Researchers figure out how to turn it into a microphone Source: Your Phone’s Vibration Motor Can Spy On What You’re Saying | Popular Science
Researchers figure out how to turn it into a microphone Source: Your Phone’s Vibration Motor Can Spy On What You’re Saying | Popular Science
Source: Physicists just confirmed a pear-shaped nucleus, and it could ruin time travel forever
Riot police advance across the tiled foyer of a luxury Harare hotel to where a man in a red shirt is waiting. He has dared >>>
AP: Hillary Clinton Destroyed Gov’t Email, Wiped Names From Her Calendar Source: AP: Hillary Clinton Destroyed Gov’t Email, Wiped Names From Her Calendar – Breitbart
Solar cells this small could be integrated into anything — and soon they will be. Source: Solar panels have gotten thinner than a human hair. >>>
Experts say the move indicates a lack of organization or technical capabilities within the FBI. Source: The FBI Is Classifying Its Tor Browser Exploit Because >>>
A massive surveillance bill is now on its way to becoming law in Russia.The Source: Russia lawmakers pass sweeping spying law that requires encryption backdoors, >>>
Source: News from The Associated Press
Comcast wrongly debited early termination fee, provided no refund for 18 months. Source: Comcast took $1,775 from man, only gave it back after he contacted >>>
Source: Judicial Watch Releases State Department Inspector General Investigation Records Related to Hillary Clinton Emails – Judicial Watch