Tesla confirms first death in Autopiloted Model S – NY Daily News
The all-electric carmaker said the conditions of the incident were unique, but expressed condolences to the driver’s family. Source: Tesla confirms first death in Autopiloted >>>
The all-electric carmaker said the conditions of the incident were unique, but expressed condolences to the driver’s family. Source: Tesla confirms first death in Autopiloted >>>
This is the first of many consequences the Democratic Party will face for manipulating millions of voters. Source: DNC Chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz Served With >>>
How to get the best price for broadband & access secret rates from cable companies UPDATED: 06/25/2016 — Cable executives had to acknowledge this week >>>
Hillary would be in Oval Office for months beforer public sees key communications Source: State Department asks for delay release of Clinton emails | The >>>
Source: UZH – Previously unknown global ecological disaster discovered