Facebook scanned private messages to boost ‘likes,’ lawsuit claims – CNET
Facebook is being sued for allegedly scanning users’ private messages for links to webpages, which it then treated as “likes” for those pages. Source: Facebook >>>
Facebook is being sued for allegedly scanning users’ private messages for links to webpages, which it then treated as “likes” for those pages. Source: Facebook >>>
On Tuesday night, American history was made, as former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton became the first woman to secure the presidential nomination by a >>>
Provisional recommendations – for public review: IUPAC is naming the four new elements nihonium, moscovium, tennessine, and oganesson Source: IUPAC is naming the four new >>>
Bitcoiners love Tor but the FBI has updated its Rule 41, which means that unless Congress blocks it, using Tor could become illegal in the >>>