Why the historic deal to expand US chemical regulation matters : Nature News & Comment
A rare bipartisan compromise endorsed by industry and the White House will give the US government new authority to ensure that chemicals are safe. Source: >>>
A rare bipartisan compromise endorsed by industry and the White House will give the US government new authority to ensure that chemicals are safe. Source: >>>
Two IT staff members who raised concerns about Hillary Clinton’s use of a private email server were told not speak of it, according to the >>>
Some theorists say a radioactive decay anomaly could imply a fundamental new force Source: Has a Hungarian Physics Lab Found a Fifth Force of Nature? >>>
The classified annex to the draft “core text” of the Trade in Services Agreement is part of what is being secretly negotiated by the U.S., EU and 22 countries. Source: WikiLeaks >>>
Source: AT&T’s Broadband Caps Go Live This Week And Are The Opening Salvo In An All-Out War On Cord Cutters | Techdirt
With order slashed, last 14 LCS ships will be “stretch” versions. Source: Navy takes delivery on super-destroyer, pushes up schedule for LCS “frigate”
Why we need an investigation into electoral fraud favoring Hillary Clinton Source: Hillary Clinton and Electoral Fraud — News & Politics — Medium
A total of ¥1.4 billion in cash was stolen from some 1,400 convenience store ATMs across the nation in the space of two hours earlier >>>
Online trackers add audio fingerprinting to their arsenal of tools to identify and follow people on the web. Source: Think you’re not being tracked? Now >>>
Accusations that Pentagon retaliated against a whistleblower undermine argument that there were options for Snowden other than leaking to the media Source: Snowden calls for >>>