Kelowna woman warns others after terrifying ordeal at U.S. border
After a recent trip south of the border, a Kelowna business owner says she won’t be returning to the United States without her husband by >>>
After a recent trip south of the border, a Kelowna business owner says she won’t be returning to the United States without her husband by >>>
The U.S. Navy has a powerful, almost unstoppable new weapon in its arsenal; a deadly new supergun. Source: Supergun: U.S. Navy Unveils Deadly New Weapon >>>
Researchers are constantly loing for new ways to offer effective and personalized treatments to those suffering with cancer. A team of researchers from Inserm that >>>
Source: Systemd 230 Is Upsetting Some Over Its KillUserProcess Setting – Phoronix
An increased incidence of brain and heart tumors was seen in rats. Source: “Game-Changing” Study Links Cellphone Radiation to Cancer | Mother Jones
Although the de factor GOP presidential nominee had seemed open to the idea when asked by TV host Jimmy Kimmel, “it seems inappropriate that I >>>
Attack on NS1 sends 50 million to 60 million lookup packets per second. Source: Major DNS provider hit by mysterious, focused DDoS attack
A new study with light particles shows that Schrodinger’s cat can be alive and dead and in two places at once, new research shows. Source: >>>
It seems like some Tesla owners still aren’t paying enough attention. Source: Tesla Model S on Autopilot crashes into van parked on highway – Roadshow
Source: Did the Clinton Email Server Have an Internet-Based Printer? — Krebs on Security