Scientology honcho Miscavige threatens to sue own father to block book that could finally bring down ‘church’
Source: Scientology honcho Miscavige threatens to sue own father to block book that could finally bring down ‘church’
Source: Scientology honcho Miscavige threatens to sue own father to block book that could finally bring down ‘church’
Hillary claims that she has 2.5 million votes than Bernie Sanders. That claim is deceptive and disingenuous. Source: Article: Hillary’s Disingenuous Claim That She’s Won >>>
A new theory of inertia could explain how NASA is generating thrust with a new drive design, and may even show them how to make >>>
A letter warns of a defamation suit should the book, ‘Ruthless: Scientology, My Son David Miscavige, and Me,’ get a release in the U.K. next >>>
Source: Only Voter Suppression Can Stop Bernie Sanders
A newly identified Windows 10 security flaw lets hackers install malicious apps on any machine, without business owners being made aware anything out of the ordinary >>>
Source: Introduction to Microcontrollers – Beginnings – Mike Silva
A cease-and-desist letter sent by 1,200 publishers to Brave Software to stop its ad-replacing technology hasn’t changed the company’s bitcoin plans. Source: Brave’s Bitcoin Browser >>>
Cyberattack takes down Sanders Facebook pages, floods them with porn. Source: Hillary supporters accused of taking down Bernie FB pages in porn attack | TheHill