Pig heart kept beating inside baboon for more than two years – UPI.com
In a recent study, researchers were able to keep a pig heart beating inside a baboon for more than two years. Source: Pig heart kept >>>
In a recent study, researchers were able to keep a pig heart beating inside a baboon for more than two years. Source: Pig heart kept >>>
With HBM2 and 40% performance boost over Titan X, Pascal is going to be a beast. Source: Nvidia unveils first Pascal graphics card, the monstrous >>>
Posted in full with permission of the author. April 1-2, 2016 — Clinton’s private email network part of private foreign policy/intelligence operation A mere cursory >>>
A firm with ties to senior members of the Hillary Clinton presidential campaign registered to lobby Source: ‘Panama Papers’ Implicate Client of Clinton-Linked Lobbying Firm
A new chip design from Nvidia will allow machine-learning researchers to marshal larger collections of simulated neurons. Source: A $2 Billion Chip to Accelerate Artificial >>>
Scientists say it may be possible to steer the evolution of HIV proteins and eventually make HIV stop evolving resistance to drugs. Source: Can drugs >>>
Source: Changing the colour of single photons in a diamond quantum memory
Source: New state of matter detected in a two-dimensional material
n column. Source: Bernie Sanders set to win Nevada after delegates switch — RT USA